sdppi certification indonesia

Wireless Equipment (SDPPI) Certification in Indonesia

In this case, importers must provide certain products in Indonesia with special certificates. One of them is SDPPI certification in Indonesia. Therefore, How to Obtain SDPPI certification? Table of Contents What is SDPPI Certification? SDPPI is an official institution in Indonesia that is specifically responsible for certifying products that are imported into Indonesia.  Here, they…

phytosanitary certificate indonesia

What is a Phytosanitary Certificate in Indonesia?

Export or import activities require many documents. One document required in export activities is a phytosanitary certificate. So, what is the definition of phytosanitary certificate when exporting these goods in Indonesia? Table of Contents What is a Phytosanitary Certificate? The phytosanitary certificate is the document required for exporting certain goods. Usually, you will hear it…